
January 30th, 2006 · Uncategorized

As many of you know, yarntomato.com has been offline since early January. There are a few reasons, one of which you know–I gave birth to our first son on December 14, 2005. The other two reasons–the main reasons, actually–are fanlistings and Blogger. I shall explain.

I host the wool fanlisting (currently offline, but back soon). Scripts for managing fanlistings are immensely helpful, but are often the target of hackers. I guess it must be fun, because once you find a security flaw, it’s easy to find tons of sites hosting fanlistings, which you can then have your way with. Hmph.

Anyhow, my site was hacked in November when a security hole was discovered in PHPFanBase, which I was using to maintain the wool fanlisting. I quickly recovered and switched to phpFanList. Unfortunately, a security bug was discovered in that script and my site was hacked again in January. With a new baby in the house, I barely had time to take down the stuff the hackers put on my site, much less repost my old content.

Contributing to the difficulty of regaining my site’s content was the fact that it’s been nearly impossible for me to publish to my site with Blogger since the beginning of December. The times I have published have been the result of excruciating workarounds or pure luck. In a nutshell, one day in early December Blogger kept hanging at 0% when I tried to publish. This happens about 95% of the time and has continued to this day.

I contacted my host and they don’t believe the problem is on their end because I can ftp to my site perfectly fine with my ftp program (which in agreement with what is written on this page of Blogger Help). Several possible solutions have been posted here and that’s the reason I’m posting today. I’m using the workaround posted by webprince: “What did work for me was to avoid entering any FTP username or password on the main ‘publishing’ settings page. Instead, wait until Blogger prompts to enter it after you click to publish.” I’m crossing my fingers it continues to work for me because Blogger absolutely will not respond to my question except with automated e-mails. Every time I receive one, I reply, hoping I will hit the magic number of replies before a human actually reads what I have written. I’m not holding my breath, though.

I know, I know, I could switch to WordPress or something like that. But that’s work (installation, maintenance, upgrading, etc.) and this is supposed to be fun. At least that’s what I thought in my blissful ignorance when I started blogging. I’m not quite as ignorant any more, but I’m going to try to go on blissfully anyway!

Oop! I almost forgot one last reason. Our high speed internet connection has seemed like 56K dialup lately. Gotta get ‘em to come out here and fix that.

At any rate, stay tuned because I will be back talking about what I’m here for… crochet!


O Tannenbaum

December 25th, 2005 · Uncategorized


Merry Christmas!

We wish you peace and joy and a happy, healthy, prosperous 2006!


Handmade Goodness

December 24th, 2005 · Uncategorized

Merry Christmas! All is well in the Tomato Household. :-)

It’s amazing how busy a baby can keep you! I haven’t had a moment to answer e-mail or respond to comments. So I’ll say a big thank you to all of you here, and hope to respond to you individually soon.

Here is the little one in some handmade goodness we have received. He’s wearing a knit hat from the hospital (one of the local churches makes a hat and blanket for each baby), lying on a crocheted blanket from my sister, and covered with a knit blanket from the Prayer Shawl Ministry at our church.


And for those of you who need a doggie fix…

She is adjusting very well to having a new member in the household!


Baby Boy

December 16th, 2005 · Uncategorized


Baby and mommy and daddy are all doing well. Baby is breastfeeding like a champ; I can hardly keep up with him. The induction was extremely successful. After seven hours on the pitocin I was proceeding so well, they stopped it. Then I labored on my own for about 11 more hours before beginning to push. The pushing went very quickly and there was my beautiful baby. No epidural, no C-section. I was utterly amazed at the phenomenal support my husband provided throughout the very, very long process. He gets a big gold star! That’s all I can write for now. We are busy feeding, changing diapers, and trying to sleep. :-)

Thank you all, again, for your comments and support! It means the world to me!


test post

December 12th, 2005 · Uncategorized

- just a test -

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