Entries from November 2005

New Blog Layout

November 16th, 2005 · 25 Comments · Uncategorized

Once again, out with the old, in with the new. One might be tempted to say it’s a symptom of nesting syndrome, but really I’ve wanted a new blog design for some time now. I had fantasies of hiring a professional, and contacted three, but one was super-busy and not accepting new clients, one didn’t […]


Baby on the Brain

November 16th, 2005 · 7 Comments · Gifts

I’ve decided a baby in your belly affects your brain more than anything else, except perhaps your bladder. Aside from being absent-minded, sobbing at the drop of a hat, and being so clumsy I’m practically afraid of my own self, I find it difficult to think about anything but what needs to be done next […]
