Entries from November 2004

Thank you Secret Pal!

November 18th, 2004 · 11 Comments · Swaps, Yarn

Two posts in one day? I know, I know. But this was too good to wait. What a wunderbar (my dad always used to say that) Crochetville Secret Pal I have! She sent me these four fabulous skeins of Handspun Mohair from Lesotho. It is gorgeous! The label says Super Fluffy and I wish every […]



November 18th, 2004 · 20 Comments · Uncategorized

Do you know what time it is? Nope, not the holidays. Nope, not time to get your rear end moving on your crochet Christmas gift list. It’s fruitcake time! Mmmm… I’m eating a slice right now! Love it or hate it. That’s what they say. I used to be a hater. Now I’m a lover. […]


Back from vacation!

November 16th, 2004 · 19 Comments · FOs (Finished Objects), Hooks, Swaps

Vacation is nice, but it’s good to be home. There’s no place like home. I did indeed find quite a bit of time to crochet, but I can’t show you because it’s a secret! I know, I know, enough of the secrets. But this is a special gift for someone whom I’m fairly certain reads […]


Rushing out the door

November 7th, 2004 · 7 Comments · Uncategorized

We’re going on a week-long family holiday vacation. As always, I’m pressed for time before we’re leaving. I’m taking lots of yarn with me in anticipation of finding plenty of time to crochet. One can hope! ;-)


A Few Things

November 3rd, 2004 · 3 Comments · Gifts, Swaps, Yarn

Stuff from Deneen and Cheryl! I traded a skein of cotton yarn with Deneen from Crochetville for this skein of vintage Bear Brand Deluxe All Virgin Wool. Thank you, Deneen! I’m thinking of felting it into something, but I’ll have to talk to it and see what it wants to be. Perhaps a tea cozy? […]
