It’s here!

October 1st, 2004 · 3 Comments · Uncategorized

crochet me

It’s official. Crochet me is a magazine. Check it out!

Now… you don’t really want to be the last person to know what’s going on at Crochet me, do you? I didn’t think so. Well, if you didn’t heed my suggestion last week, get yourself on over there and subscribe to the newsletter. Then you’ll be in the know.

Jane did it. Rebecca did it. Beth did it. And so did Jenn, Angel, Tiffany, Leisel, Mandy, Alyssa, and Patti. I know because they told me so. And they also asked me pretty please would I send them some of my back issues. And I did.

Did you know there have been, not one, but two free newsletter-exclusive patterns? And I have them all. Yep. I’ve been subscribed since day one. You want those patterns now, dontcha? *wink* Well. Subscribe. Tell me. I’ll send them.

3 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Chie // Oct 2, 2004 at 5:02 pm

    Am I the last one? (^_^;) LOL My subscription is confirmed now. Oh Pleeez send me copies of those back issues? (*^_^*)

  • 2 Tiana // Oct 2, 2004 at 3:08 pm

    I love your site; lots of inspiration. I’ll take all the back issues you’ll send me! Thanks.

  • 3 Tifffany // Oct 2, 2004 at 4:04 am

    Wooo, will you send me some back issues? I had subscribed under one email addy, but I think it got sent to spam and deleted, so I just did another email addy to ensure that I finally get these things :)

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